Best Skincare Routine for Black Skin

Skincare Routine for Black Skin

Having a beautiful and healthy skin requires more than using the best skincare products, it requires having the right skincare routine for your skin.

In this article I am going to give you a step-by-step skincare routine guide for a black skin, which includes cleansing, steaming, exfoliating and moisturizing.

At the end of this article, you will have the best skincare routine to keep your skin young, healthy and beautiful.

Before we dive in to the steps lets answer some of the common questions regarding skincare routine.

What is Skincare Routine?

Skincare routine is an organized regular procedure of taking care of your skin to tune up your complexion and keep your skin young and healthy.

What is The Difference Between Black Skin and White Skin?

The main difference between black and white skin is the level of melanin in the skin.

People who live closer to the equator have a higher level of melanin in their skin which protect their skin from the sun and at the same time make their skin darker.

Meanwhile white skin has a lower level of melanin which makes the skin lighter and it get sun burn easily.

More: Types of Skin Tone and How to Know Yours.

In this skincare routine guide I am going to recommend the best skincare product to maintain a natural dark complexion.

Do Guys Need a Skincare Routine?

A lot of guys think skincare routine is a lady’s thing, if you are one of those guys, I say you are wrong.

Skincare routine helps your skin stay young and healthy, who doesn’t want to stay young and healthy? I don’t know about you but I will say not me, it also help you get an even skin tone.

Skincare Routine Steps for Black Skin

The following steps will help you maintain your natural complexion and keep your skin healthy and beautiful, but it doesn’t work over night.

Even with the best skincare products you need to follow the routine at least for a few weeks before you start to experience a positive result.

With that in mind, here are the 4 steps you are going to learn in this article:

  1. Cleansing
  2. Steaming
  3. Exfoliation
  4. Moisturizing

Without further delay, lets dive in to the steps.

1. Cleansing

What is Cleansing?

Cleansing is the process of washing the surface of the skin to remove dirt and other unwanted substances from the skin.

Begin with using something soft, such as a face tissue and apply a make-up remover or warm clean water and then use it to clean your skin gently, make sure to clean every dirt or sweat on your skin.

Next, use a cleanser that will clean and hydrate your skin at the same time, start with washing your skin with water and then apply the cleanser to your skin, use your finger tips to apply the cleanser evenly to your skin, then use warm water to wash your skin.

I recommend using Nivea Cleanser for this process, but you can use other brands that has a similar level of ingredients.

2. Steaming

Steaming makes the cleansing process more effective as it releases trapped sebum acne.

Using a steamer is an excellent method of steaming, but if you don’t have a steamer, you can use a homemade steamer for your steaming process.

Pour hot water in to a bowl, then cover your face with a towel and position the bowl close to your face so that the steam will land on your skin, but not too close to avoid burning your skin, steam your skin for 8 – 10 minutes.


Immediately after steaming use a black head removing tool and remove the black heads and white heads from your skin.

Now that your skin is properly cleaned, we can move to the next step.

3. Exfoliation

What is Exfoliation?

Exfoliation is the process of removing the oldest dead skin cells from the outermost surface of the skin using a chemical substances or exfoliation tool.

Exfoliation can be done with an exfoliation product or a homemade exfoliant, however, if you choose to use an exfoliant product I recommend choosing a less acidic product, and it should be done at night, at least twice a week, except if you have a sensitive skin, which in that case once a week is enough for you.

On the other hand, milk is a great exfoliant when mixed with the right ingredients.

All you need is one cup of milk and 6 table spoons of oats, mixed them well and you have an excellent exfoliant.

Apply it gently all over your face and scrub it gently in circular motion, after 10 – 15 minutes wash your face gently with warm water.

After washing your face your skin will be as good as new.

4. Moisturizing

What is Skin Moisturizing?

Skin moisturizing is a process of lubricating the skin using moisturizing creams or lotions to keep the skin hydrated which prevent having a dry skin.

This is the easiest and final step of your skincare routine, which should be done once a day.

All you need is a skin moisturizer, while there are countless skin moisturizers in the market, the ones I recommend are Vaseline Moisturizer or Olay Moisturizer, which are proven to have the right level of moisturizing formular to keep your skin moisturized all day.

Apply the moisturizer evenly all over your face and tap your fingers gently all over your face for 1 – 2 minutes.

This will help your skin relaxed and moisturized which prevent wrinkles and aging, and say bye-bye to dry skin.


The ultimate goal of skincare routine is to have a healthy and beautiful skin; therefore, you need to keep in mind this achievement doesn’t happen overnight, you need to give it time.

Allow this routine to be your daily habit and you will experience the change you desire within a couple weeks.

However, people have different skin conditions, therefore, if you have a sensitive skin or some skin problems you need to consult your doctor before using any skincare product.

Lastly, I hope you find this article helpful, if you do, check out How to Get an Even Skin Tone for a Black Skin.

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That being said, Stay Fresh and Healthy.


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