How to Get Rid of Oily Skin Permanently at Home

How to Get Rid of Oily Skin Permanently at Home

Many people have oily skin, but not everyone knows how to deal with it. Oily skin can cause acne breakouts, blackheads, and oily patches on your face. It can also result in oily hair if you are prone to greasy roots.

Oily skin is a common problem for many people, especially during summertime, or when you are in a hot environment.

There are many things that cause oily skin, and even if you use the right skincare products you may experience oily skin if you are having frequent exposure to a hot environment.

Luckily, you can get rid of oily skin forever if you follow the right skincare process which I am going to share with you in this article.

However, there is no quick fix for oily skin, you need to implement the process for at least a few months to get rid of oily skin permanently.

What is Oily Skin?

Oily skin is a condition in which the skin produces excess sebum, an oily secretion from your oil glands, causing your pores to look enlarged.

Check out the US National Library of Medicine study on patient experiences with oily skin.

Oily skin can cause acne breakouts and blackheads if it’s not treated properly. It can also result in oily hair if you are prone to greasy roots. Another telltale sign of oily skin is when your face starts to look shiny in the middle of the day.

Why Does My Skin Become Oily?

Your body naturally produces sebum, an oil that moistens and protects the skin. When you have a hormonal imbalance or just overactive oil glands, your pores produce excessive amounts of sebum.

Oily skin can also be caused by certain medications, stress, or weather conditions like humidity and very hot temperatures.

7 Home Remedies for Oily Skin

1. Use the Right Sunscreen

Using sunscreen outdoors is essential to skincare, it protects your skin from sun exposure which could lead to sunburn, accelerate oily skin, and also prevent the risk of skin cancer.

There are different types of sunscreens in the market, therefore, you need to use the right sunscreen if you have oily skin.

Use an oil-free sunscreen daily to prevent your skin from producing even more sebum due to sun damage.

A good facial moisturizer for oily skin is one that contains what is called an oil control system that will help to balance the level of oils in your skin.

2. Use Cosmetic Clay

Cosmetic clay is a powerful treatment for oily skin, it helps absorb the excess oil on your skin and also treat other skin problems, which is why it is also called healing clay.

Cosmetic clay usually comes in powder, and it should be used as a face mask, there are tons of cosmetic clays on the market, here are the best ones I could find.

Add water to at least a teaspoon of cosmetic clay, mix and apply it to your face, leave it for a few minutes and then wash it off gently with warm water.

3. Eat Low-Glycemic Food

If you are battling oily skin, what you eat also plays an important role in how much oil is produced by your sebaceous glands.

Foods that lead to inflammation in the body will cause more oil production but there are some foods that can help balance out what is already happening on your skin.

Eating low glycemic foods with complex carbohydrates can reduce the risk of skin acne, such food includes whole grain, legumes, unprocessed fruits, and vegetables.

4. Use Honey on Your Skin

One of the most popular home remedies for oily skin is a honey face mask. Honey has natural antibacterial and antiseptic properties so it can prevent breakouts, acne, and other blemishes. It’s what makes honey such an effective moisturizer that reduces oil production on your skin through consistent use.

This is a great option for those who want to prevent breakouts and keep their skin clear.

Mix one part honey with two parts yogurts, then apply the mixture as a face mask before rinsing off with warm water after 10 – 15 minutes.

5. Use Salicylic Acid-Based Soap

If you want to get rid of oily skin you need to be conscious of the soap you use.

Salicylic acid-based soaps help reduce the amount of oil on your skin and prevent breakouts.

However, salicylic acid can have a side effect on your skin which includes itching, peeling skin, and stinging, but those side effects are usually temporary, also reducing the level of usage can take away the side effects.

6. Avoid Hot Water

Hot water can make your skin produce more oil, therefore, try to avoid taking long hot showers or baths, instead use warm water.

In addition to making your skin oily, hot water has many negative effects on your skin which include redness, itching, peeling, and generally make your skin vulnerable to skin problems.

7. Control Your Diet

Diet can affect your skin health significantly, for example, eating certain foods such as pasta, white rice, and sugar can cause your blood sugar to rise more quickly which result in your body releasing a hormone called insulin, and having excess insulin can cause your body oil glands to produce more oil.

Therefore, you should have low-glycemic foods in your diet, which will control the level of oil produced in your body and also help with the overall health of your skin.

Also, when it comes to diet, it is recommended to talk to a specialist to recommend the best diet for your body and health condition.


Getting rid of oily skin permanently is not easy especially if your skin is naturally made to produce more oil, but it can be achieved through a consistent skincare routine and using the right skin products.

Therefore, if you are serious about your skin health make sure to follow the above practices for at least a few months before you start experiencing the desired result.

Also, you need to continue using the process long time even after you get rid of oily skin, in order to avoid developing the problem in the future.

Lastly, I hope you find this article helpful, if you do, make sure to subscribe to our email newsletter to never miss a new tip and hacks to live a healthy life.

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