How to Dress Better as a Man: 9 Actionable Tips

How to Dress Better as a Man

Dressing well does not have to be expensive or complicated. What is more, dressing better does not require you to put on a suit every day.

Most men have many clothes that they do not wear because they don’t feel comfortable wearing them, or maybe because they are either too big or too small.

One of the things that could be preventing you to look fresh and attractive could be that you do not know how to combine the clothes you already have and make a perfect outfit.

More: Basic Fashion Rules for Guys.

In some cases, you might be missing some key pieces that help in improving your outfits and make you more handsome and attractive.

In this article, I am going to give you 9 actionable tips on how to dress better as a man.

Without further delay, let’s dive in:

1. Get Your Fittings Right

If you want to dress better as a man, wear clothes that fit your body perfectly. A few things, such as being too big, too small, or too long, can make a good outfit look shabby.

Over Sized Clothes

So, if an outfit is too big or too small, do not wear it, instead consider going shopping.

Wearing fitting outfits will make you look sharper and better. Alternatively, you can get an excellent tailor to adjust the fitting of some of your wrong-size outfits.

2. Go for Quality

Good quality clothes will not only make you look better, but they will also wear better and last longer.

In addition, wearing low-quality clothes can hurt your self-confidence, and hurt how people perceive you.

As an exclusive gentleman, you need to wear high-quality clothes, and I don’t mean the most expensive ones.

3. Add an accessory to your outfit

One of the easiest ways of dressing up and looking better is by adding an accessory. By accessories, I mean a watch, pocket square, tie, necklace, or ring.

Men's Accessories

Remember the number of accessories to use depend on the occasion you are dressing for and the type of outfit you are wearing.

More: The Best Formal Wear Accessories for Men.

However, the general rule is to keep an accessories level to a minimum, also, avoid wearing too many accessories for an official event.

Accessories are easily noticeable and, therefore, ensure that you have the right accessories for your outfit, and the occasion.

4. Up Your Shoe Game

Many men will dress very well then put on the wrong type of shoe which will end up ruining their dress.

Men's Shoes

This does not mean that you should have hundreds of shoes or buy the most expensive shoes, rather have the right shoe for every occasion.

Also, your shoe should be of good quality, well-polished, and should always match your outfit.

For example, you shouldn’t go for a sports day or for hiking wearing an official leather shoe, Know the occasions and what to wear for that.

You should also notice when to replace your shoes. Therefore, if you want to dress better as a man, know that your shoe is as important as your clothes.

5. Master Colors, Patterns, and Proportion

You need to get your colors, patterns, and proportions right. You don’t have to be perfect with colors, patterns, or proportions. However, having the right colors, proportions and patterns will make your outfits more attractive.

Men's Clothes Color Combination

Always try to get the colors of your outfits correctly. There are occasions when you can wear shouting colors and when you shouldn’t.

Moreover, not all colors match; therefore, you need to know which color to mix with which one, why, and when.

You don’t have to look perfect; expect to make mistakes, experiment, and improve. If you are not sure which color to wear with what, you can always experiment.

6. Take Care of Your Clothes

Most of the things that determine the quality of your dressing happens before you even get dressed.

Most men spend little time thinking of what to wear. Therefore, for you to make decisions right, ensure that your wardrobe is well arranged. Having a well-arranged wardrobe helps you make easier choices on what to wear and when.

Men's Wardrobe

To make things easier, categorize your wardrobe into sections of official outfits, casual outfits, and sportswear.

More: Creating a Sophisticated Wardrobe on a Budget

What is more, if you find it hard ironing your clothes, do it prior. Ensuring that your clothes look good in your wardrobe is the first attempt to look good.

Taking care of your clothes will help you appreciate and love your clothes, and this will, in turn, help you dress better.

7. Dress for Comfort

Ensure that you are comfortable psychologically with what you are wearing rather than physically. Unless the occasion you are in demands you to wear something.

Ensure that you do not wear something you are not comfortable in, wearing something you are not comfortable with will always show and it will end up hurting your self-esteem.

More: How to Be the Hottest Guy Around

This does not mean that you should stick to sweatpants and t-shirts. Push yourself to find a style that is yours. Do not try to be someone you are not. Just be yourself and dress for yourself. As a man, you should never have a dress code that you are not comfortable in.

8. Ensure Your Dressing Matches Your Age

If you want to dress better as a man, wear what makes you feel good. Ensure that you are aware of the appropriate dress code for your age.

Handsome Old Man

Clothes you can wear in your early twenty’s, should not be the type of clothes you wear in your fifties. Stick to what plays best for your age, and you will not go wrong.

Your age goes hand in hand with your body shape, therefore, wearing clothes that matches your age will help you wear the right shape.

9. Consult When Necessary

Experts know more about dressing than us. Therefore, if you want to dress better as a man, consult your tailor. Your tailor will know what is best for you, which will suit your age, body size, and shape.

Do not only let your tailor speak without questions and suggestions. Give ideas about what you think about a particular outfit so that you can also get their opinion.

Alternatively, you can get inspiration on social media. On social media, you will see different suggestions about specific outfits. Therefore, search for suggestions and see what looks good on people like yourself.


The main point of dressing better is to dress fresh, comfortable, and attractive, therefore, any aspect of your dressing that has a problem with those 3 aspects needs to go.

I know the 9 steps might feel like a lot, which is why you don’t need to implement all of them at once, instead, pick a few that you find most comfortable and start there.

Lastly, I hope you find this article helpful, if you do make sure to subscribe to our email newsletter to never miss a new tip and hack to improve yourself as a man.

That being said, Stay Fresh & Healthy!


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